The Field Of Avalon

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Beyond thunderous crowds and bass vibrations pulsing at the festival’s massive stages, Glastonbury offers sanctuary for spiritually curious pilgrims seeking tranquil refuges from the ecstatic chaos. Tucked in a quiet corner past the stone circle’s dancing devotees and the green fields’ rejuvenating campsites, the Field of Avalon stands as a sacred site holding historical significance intertwined with mythology and ancient lore.

For over two decades, the mystical atmosphere of the Field of Avalon provided serene respite for those experiencing sensory overload elsewhere on Worthy Farm grounds. Partakers immerse within meditative sound baths, restorative workshops by whispered wisdom keepers, and intimate bardic poetry recitals evoking Arthurian legend whisperings.

Location and Layout

Situated northeast beyond the stone circle and green fields, the Field of Avalon occupies a modest corner of the sprawling festival grounds. The main entrance welcomes visitors near the top of Pennard Hill through an avenue flanked by towering oak trees draped with threaded gemstones refracting rainbow light blessings.

Location and Layout

Meandering footpaths wind down gradual slopes with hand-built stone altars, vibrant medicinal herb gardens, and canvased wood nymph huts dotting the landscape around the central gathering field. Attendance averages around two to three hundred people cradling cups of freshly brewed lavender tea during most daylight hours. But as sunlight fades replaced by flickering torch flames, the Field of Avalon swells after dusk as night owls gather for wiccan workshops, celestial starlore lessons, or fireside shamans conjuring ethereal realms through hypnotic frame drum rhythms.

Experience and Activities

More than a stage or venue, the Field of Avalon evokes an enduring state of mind. The sensory experience flows gently yet profoundly for those embracing its gifts. Sunrise meditations clear cobwebs of lingering fatigue replacing frazzled frenzy with mindful calm preparation for adventures ahead.

Experience and Activities

Throughout afternoons, parched pilgrims rehydrate beneath crystal bowl sound baths chiming soothing frequencies rejuvenating body and spirit. As shadows stretch toward sundowns, ancient wisdom gets unearthed during goddess lore lectures or astrological analyses from mystic scholars like Michelangelo Tarot who translates birth chart alignments and hereditary archetypes.

Stage and Performances

While massive crowds converge throbbing with frantic energy elsewhere on Worthy Farm, the Field of Avalon’s intimate stage sanctuary offers diminished decibel refuge for a few fortunate dozens gathered in close proximity on hay bales or hand-woven picnic blankets. Shows often begin at noon sharp rather than midnight to preserve peaceful continuity from sunrise meditations rather than amplifying stimulated cravings for spectacle seen at the festival’s larger venues.

Stage and Performances

Performers inhabit the atmosphere rather than assault it with their offerings. Past lineups featured whispering poets, earth-conscious folk trios, and mesmerizing harp auroras – all subtly soundtracking the site rather than dominating it. Quiet magic unfolds honoring stillness as much as spells summoned through song. Standouts over the years include these moments transporting listeners through time and space:

  • 2016 – Sinead O’Connor intimately reimagined 1990s anthems blending vocal vulnerability with wisdom earned through turbulent trials since stardom. Her “Nothing Compares 2 U” encore hushed the crowd to pin-drop silence.
  • 2018 – Songlines storyteller Emily Burridge transfixed fans with cosmological dreamtime Aboriginal tales passed down through generations since time immemorial. Her Songlines wove transcontinental journeys crossing celestial star maps.
  • 2022 – Senegalese griot and kora master Seckou Keita ritualized afternoon audiences with trance-inducing West African folk hypnosis linked to ancestral blood memory DNA.

Legends linger that one midsummer solstice the Lady of the Lake emerged from nearby Cheddar Reservoir beneath a cloaked new moon seeking Avalonian refuge. If these fields could speak, what epics might they recall? For now, myths remain mute but minds can dream what magic brought Brigid’s blessing upon Glastonbury and will again.

Crafts and Retail Stands

Independent merchants complement the Field of Avalon’s artisan aesthetic by showcasing wares promoting spiritual connections rather than conspicuous consumption. Shoppers meandering counterclockwise along the stone path peruse hand-carved Celtic goddess wands, rose quartz crystals wrapped in copper wire, essential oil potions bottled by woodland fairies, and clothing/accessories featuring sacred geometry iconography – all without pushy hard sell disturbing tranquility.

Crafts and Retail Stands

Vendors educate patrons regarding healing properties or mythological background behind their crafts like Brigid’s crosses woven from harvested reeds representing the Celtic goddess of poetry and home hearth fires. Campfire circles encourage guided meditation workshops afterwards facilitating gnostic understanding from self-discovery rather than purchased spellbooks. Products get created on-site alongside patrons through collaborative weaving and pottery workshops cultivating community.

Legend and Lore of Glastonbury

According to verses etched on buried Briton artifacts, Glastonbury housed a gateway to Avallach, a mythical paradise isle King Arthur sailed towards at life’s end seeking healing powers to mend battle wounds both physical and spiritual. Historical evidence confirms early Christian structures later evolved into Glastonbury Abbey where Arthur and Guinevere’s remains allegedly got interred by Mons Badonicus survivors paying pilgrimage from North Avalon battlegrounds.

Legend and Lore of Glastonbury

Ancient Briton legends tell Avalon served as a sacred training grounds for mystical priestesses wielding natural magic gifts from goddess Ceridwen’s cauldron of inspiration. Priestesses mentored warriors questing through shadowy forests surrounding the Vale of Avalon in preparation for pre-ordained mythic purpose. Gifted seers and bards journeyed from distant lands to document their prophetic visions onto Avalon’s codex manuscripts made from pressed apple pulp.

Today’s Field of Avalon perpetuates Druidic pilgrimages toward Glastonbury’s mystic epicenter honoring these ancient teachings still accessible through Pennard Hill’s soils and bedrock. Ley lines cross directly through the stone circle with electromagnetic energy concentrating mystical properties first harnessed in Avalon generations prior.

Chalice Well gardens mark the initial Abbey construction location where iron-rich blood-red spring water flows blessing the grounds with minerals and possible Arthurian DNA traces. The healing aquifer remains potable today for those bringing empty vessels to carry its lore home.

Enhancing Your Visit

Field of Avalon first-timers should arrive either at sunrise when sage-scented celestial calm washes the terrain or at midnight under starry torchlight processions toward the Tribunal Stage. Both moments align optimal energy enabling transcendent workshops afterwards to integrate revelation downloads through journaling by candlelight.

Enhancing Your Visit

What to bring? Picnic blankets, battery-powered lanterns, rattles, bells, and moon phase bracelets get encouraged alongside open minds eager for gnostic growth. Alternatively, arrive empty-handed ready to receive etheric abundance gifted unexpectedly. The choice belongs to seekers trusting intuition’s pull. Ask inward through meditation or consult astrological aspects which the altar calls loudest ahead of arrival.

Consider attending the Metatronia Crystal Light Healing session which harnesses avalonian quartz and aquamarine gemstones sourced from nearby caves. If staying the entire week, arrangements get offered for private Hawksblood Shamanic healing hut sessions rarely accessible beyond Worthy Farm environs. Seek these investments early before slots fill for those requiring deep soul excavation or DNA activations linking past incarnations to purposes unfolding over Glastonbury’s hallowed landscape.

Preserving the Sanctuary

Recent years introduced modern bathroom trailers and medical facilities discretely embedded within tree lines without compromising the Field of Avalon’s meditative ambiance. Solar-powered light strands avoid noise/air pollution preserving dark night serenity for owls and nightingales in residence.

Preserving the Sanctuary

The site’s caretakers and guardians strive minimizing commercialization from corporate interlopers insensitive towards Avalon’s legacy spanning epochs. Vendors undergo strict screening ensuring wares hold purpose beyond frivolous trinkets better suited hawking along midway causeways. Workshops encourage self-discovery through inner authority rather than deference toward gurus overpromising enlightenment for the right price. Opportunists get denied booths quickly.

Ultimately the Field’s sustainability relies on maintaining integrity as a sanctuary rather than succumbing to profane spectacle permeating everywhere else across Glastonbury’s sprawl particularly late at night when debauchery temptations crescendo. Through preserving purity in Avalon’s intent as hallowed ground welcoming grail quests rather than greedy treasure plundering, the land’s innate magic blossoms freely blessing roots and soul in harmony.

May the Lady’s blessings shine upon seekers arriving through Avalon’s gates with virtue in their hearts and wonder as their guide. Arthur awaits the legend’s next scribes.

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