Volunteering At Glastonbury

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From scoring a coveted Glastonbury ticket to being part of the festival magic, volunteering at Glastonbury offers an insider experience like no other.

This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know about contributing your time and skills as a volunteer at the iconic UK festival.

The Allure of Volunteering at Glastonbury Festival

Glastonbury Festival depends on a passionate crew of volunteers who generously donate their time and energy. In exchange, volunteers gain access to a highly sought-after Glastonbury ticket, invite-only camping areas, meals, merchandise, and more.

Allure of Volunteering

For many, the chance to be part of the Glastonbury family and behind-the-scenes magic is incentive enough. Volunteering offers an intimate perspective into how this vast city-sized festival comes to life. You’ll gain memories and forge friendships that last long after the music stops.

From greening the grounds with Greenpeace to operating the media headquarters, volunteers keep Glastonbury running smoothly. The music legends on stage get the glory, but the volunteers are the unsung heroes who make it all possible.

Introduction to Glastonbury Volunteering Opportunities

A wide spectrum of charities, non-profits, and operations crews recruit volunteers for Glastonbury Festival. Some key organizations that require thousands of helping hands include:

Introduction To Glastonbury Volunteering Opportunities
  • Greenpeace – Promote environmental initiatives
  • WaterAid – Provide water facilities
  • Oxfam – Fundraise for poverty relief
  • Shelter – Support housing/homelessness charity for Glastonbury 2024
  • Festival Medical Team – Assist with event healthcare
  • Glastonbury Recycling Crew – Manage waste and sustainability
  • Festaff – General festival operations
  • Oasis Carnival Club – Bring the circus to life
  • Worthy FM – Help run the onsite radio station

These organizations and others offer a wide range of volunteer positions to contribute your skills and passions. From medical services to green efforts, there are diverse opportunities to get involved.

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Volunteer Requirements, Shifts, and Benefits

Glastonbury volunteers come from all backgrounds, but generally must meet several eligibility requirements:

  • Age 18+ in most cases
  • Ability to work full weekends and shifts
  • Adhere to conduct codes
  • Provide own camping equipment
  • Pass background checks as needed

In return for working 6-8 hour shifts, volunteers receive benefits like:

  • Complimentary Glastonbury ticket – a £335 value!
  • Designated camping areas close to the festival action
  • Meals and snacks during shifts
  • Event t-shirts, uniforms, or merch items
  • Accreditation and training for future careers
  • New friendships and festival family for life!

Some key positions have additional prerequisites. For example, Festival Medical Team volunteers must have valid first aid certifications to qualify. But many roles simply require a willingness to work hard and interest in the field.

Insights into Key Glastonbury Volunteer Roles

To give you a better idea of the volunteer possibilities, here are some examples of positions within certain organizations:

Greenpeace Festival Volunteers

Greenpeace Festival Volunteers

Promoter – Spread green messaging to attendees, get signatures for petitions, etc. Great for those passionate about the environment!

Site Set-Up – Construct cool art and displays from recycled materials in the weeks leading up to the festival. Ideal for eco-oriented builders and creators.

Fundraiser – Encourage donations to support Greenpeace initiatives and outreach. Perfect for persuasive personalities.

WaterAid Glastonbury Volunteers

WaterAid Glastonbury Volunteers

Hydration Hero – Hand out free water from WaterAid kiosks and rove around the festival grounds offering water bottles to keep attendees hydrated. Great for energetic supporters of the “Right to Water” cause!

Fundraising Guru – Inspire festival-goers to donate to WaterAid by sharing stories and facts about the global water crisis. This is an amazing role for persuasive communicators who excel at rallying support.

Install Assistant – Help construct new water distribution points and maintain existing water facilities across the site. Perfect opportunity for handy, tool-oriented installers and builders.

Logistics Wizard – Support behind-the-scenes operations like transporting water supplies and directing vehicle traffic. Ideal for those who love managing critical coordination efforts.

Promotion Pro – Spread awareness about WaterAid initiatives and campaigns through flyering, public outreach stations, and leveraging social media channels. It’s a terrific fit for creative marketers.

Oxfam Glastonbury Volunteers

Oxfam Glastonbury Volunteers

Retail Assistant – Staff Oxfam shops selling clothing and more. Must have strong customer service skills.

Fundraiser – Approach festival crowds for donations supporting Oxfam’s mission to end poverty. Outgoing and earnest personalities are key.

Logistics – Assist with transport, equipment, and general operational tasks. Great for hands-on helpers who like physical activity.

Shelter Glastonbury Volunteers

Shelter Glastonbury Volunteers

Fundraiser – Raise money to support Shelter’s mission of fighting homelessness by providing housing, prevention, and support services. Strong interpersonal skills are needed.

Housing Advisor – Provide advice to festival-goers on issues like housing rights, renting rules, eviction prevention, and more at the Shelter information booth. Requires good listening skills and basic knowledge of UK housing policies.

Campaign Assistant – Help spread awareness about Shelter’s campaigns by distributing flyers, working charity awareness stands, and encouraging people to take action. Great role for sociable volunteers who are passionate about social justice.

Construction Crew – Assist in building safe structures and spaces for vulnerable attendees needing shelter and support. Perfect for handy, building-oriented volunteers.

Transport Support – Drive Shelter vehicles bringing staff/supplies around the site or help transport individuals needing assistance to key locations. Must have a valid driver’s license.

Festival Medical Team Volunteers

Festival Medical Team Volunteers

First Aid Responder – Provide frontline medical care from small cuts to emergencies at festival medical tents. Requires valid first aid training and quick responsiveness.

Medical Tent Lead – Oversee operations at designated medical tents. Experience in healthcare logistics is preferred. Leadership skills are a plus.

Mental Health Responder – Offer psychological first aid, counseling, and mental health support. Requires prior training in areas like suicide prevention and mental health first aid.

Worthy FM Radio Volunteers

Worthy FM Radio Volunteers

Broadcast Assistant – Help produce live radio segments and record interviews onsite at Worthy FM studio. Ideal for those interested in media and broadcasting.

Reporter – Attend performances and events to gather audio clips, quotes, stories, etc for use on air. A nose for news is beneficial.

Social Media – Post updates across Worthy FM’s social profiles. Experience with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram preferred.

In addition to these highlighted positions, roles like site crew, recycling, catering, accessibility support, traffic control, and more round out the volunteer options.

The Application and Selection Process

To join the Glastonbury volunteer crew, you must apply directly through the organization’s website starting each autumn. Here are some sample application links:

The Application And Selection Process

The application involves:

  • Filling out an online registration form
  • Providing information on experience and interests
  • Indicating role and time preferences
  • Outlining motivations for volunteering

Based on selections, you may need to complete a video, phone, or in-person interview. Positions fill up quickly, so apply early!

If accepted, you will receive a notification and instructions by spring. Then it’s time to join the crews bringing Glastonbury to life!

Pro Tip: Gain an edge by volunteering previously or applying with friends. Repeat volunteers often get priority placement.

Arriving On Site as an Exclusive Glastonbury Volunteer

Once accepted, your Glasto adventure begins! Volunteers gain exclusive privileges like:

Arriving On Site As An Exclusive Glastonbury Volunteer
  • Access to Volunteers-Only Camping – Get prime real estate!
  • Dedicated Check-In Area – Skip the masses at regular entry points!
  • Custom Credentials – VIP lanyards provide access to all areas.
  • Transport Perks – Convenient buses to the site from nearby towns and parking lots.

Upon check-in at the Volunteers Hub, you’ll receive your housing assignment, schedule, credentials, uniform shirts, and instructions. Some roles require additional training sessions as well.

Then it’s time to settle into your designated camp before your first shift. Connect with your new coworkers over food, drinks, and excitement for the festival ahead!

The Volunteer Experience: Work, Perks and Camaraderie

As a volunteer, you’ll work 6-8 hour shifts ranging from early morning to late night. Schedules allow for plenty of time to enjoy the festival too. You may receive tasks like:

  • Setting up infrastructure before crowds arrive
  • Maintaining clean grounds during events
  • Providing support services to attendees
  • Taking apart structures as the festival ends
The Volunteer Experience: Work, Perks and Camaraderie

In your off hours, access exclusive perks like:

  • Food vouchers are redeemable at vendors all weekend
  • Invitation to volunteers-only parties and entertainment
  • First access to purchase tickets for future Glastonbury Festivals
  • Closing ceremony celebrating your contributions

Volunteering also forges fast friendships with your crews working together. You may find your Glastonbury family for life!

Pro Tip: Bring costumes and creative flair. Festival volunteers are known for their funky style.

Insider Tips From Previous Glastonbury Volunteers

For additional advice about getting the most out of volunteering, here are some words of wisdom from past Glasto volunteers:

“Getting involved with Oxfam was life-changing. I gained so much from the experience like confidence and compassion.”

“Arriving early with Greenpeace allowed me to help construct incredible recycling art installations that set the tone.”

“As a First Aid Responder, the camaraderie with my fellow volunteers made the long hours fly by. We supported each other.”

“I loved how every day offered new adventures across the festival. One minute I was partying at The Stone Circle, the next I was broadcasting on Worthy FM!”

Got your own questions about volunteering? Ask in the comments below and we can crowdsource advice.

Closing Remarks: Join the Glastonbury Family

Volunteering allows you to contribute your skills, gain insider access, and be part of something greater at Glastonbury Festival. You’ll form lifelong bonds while making the event possible.

Join The Glastonbury Family

We hope this guide has provided ample information and inspiration to volunteer. You’ll gain memories and experiences that go far deeper than attending alone. See you down on Worthy Farm!

Quick Recap of Key Volunteer Benefits:

  • Complimentary Glastonbury Festival ticket
  • Exclusive camping areas close to the action
  • Food and drinks during shifts
  • Official shirts, merch, and swag
  • First access to future tickets
  • Backstage festival access
  • Parties and events for volunteers
  • New friendships with crews
  • Career development opportunities
  • Feel good rewards of contributing

Ready to apply? Let us know which volunteer role intrigues you the most in the comments!


  1. olivia kenneally avatar
    olivia kenneally

    I’d love to volunteer – I’m most interested in the mental health first aider roles among others

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Olivia

      That’s great! Hope u get it.

  2. Steph Middleton avatar
    Steph Middleton

    I am a friendly 36 year old woman. This is my first year applying to volunteer I have a wide variety of experience in jobs that I have had since I was 16. Hopefully you’ll see my application as someone you would like to join your team. Looking forward to meeting new people, learning new things. Representing you with in a positive and friendly Manor and having a good summer.

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Steph!

      Nice to meet u! We hope it becomes true.

  3. Tricia Wilkie avatar

    Hi-I am a Mental Health First Aider and MHFA Instructor for MHFA England. I would love to apply for the role of a MHFAider volunteer. Thanks!

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Tricia!

      Nice to hear, hope u will get the opportunity.

  4. Part timer avatar
    Part timer

    I have a ticket but would like to volunteer just to contribute. Selfishly though I’d not want to do loads of shifts.

    Is there any avenue for those that want to do a bit, but are not expecting a ticket as a perk?

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Adam!

      Nice to hear that! Hope u enjoy diz Glasto season.

  5. Bree sosso avatar
    Bree sosso

    I’m a 24 year old Aussie who now lives in the uk, I have always been a huge lover of love music and festivals having gone to 7 three day festivals. This is a dream experience for me really.

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Bree!

      Glad to hear that. We hope u liked our blog!

  6. Sheerin avatar

    Hi team!

    I would love to volunteer and add value to an organisation to help spread awareness as as well as ensuring the public are having a great time! This is the first time I am signing up for an application!

    Kind regards,

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Sheerin

      Great to hear that. Hope u spend a good time there in Glasto.

  7. Rach avatar

    Hi there, after going through a really tough time in my personal life, I am looking for something fun, exciting and rewarding which I can get on the calendar and look forward to. I am a 47 year old public health specialist during the day, but also a yoga teacher and keen wild-swimmer. Are there any volunteering opportunities left, or have you already filled up the places for 2024? Thanks in advance, Rach x

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Rach

      Great to hear that u didn’t leave ur hope. Most probably there won’t be any, if u need more info, then kindly check it.

  8. Rach avatar

    P.S. am interested in these roles in particular:

    Hydration Hero
    Fundraising Guru
    Retail Assistant
    Site Crew
    Site clean up

  9. Richard Poleszuk avatar

    Having worked at Glastonbury in the past on a couple of occasions plus reading and cambridge rock I would love to work this year if possible

    1. JOHN avatar

      Hello, Richard

      Glad to hear that

  10. Peter Wallis avatar
    Peter Wallis

    I’ve just seen on the BBC, that there are still volunteer slots available for Glastonbury.
    I’ve a UK driving licence, NVQ3 in complex construction techniques and a CSCS Gold card for highly skilled bricklayers.
    Working in a team is second nature to me, I was foreman in the Guinness brewery, Dublin New Institute of Technology, St Maternus Hospital Cologne, Weilerwist high school etc.
    I speak very good German and reasonable French.
    I love work requiring a good standard of fitness and I’m used to get things cleaned up.
    Crossing my fingers!

    Peter Wallis.

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